New Netherland Marketplace: A Living History Event 2025
Historic Huguenot Street is excited to announce the 4th annual New Netherland Marketplace: Living History Event. Throughout this event, visitors will discover Lenape Delaware, Black, and European demonstrators sharing their craftsmanship and culture, and portraying life in mid-17th century New Netherland. This year’s weekend-long event will be taking place on Saturday, June 28th, 2025 from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and on Sunday, June 29th, 2025 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Members of the federally recognized Lenape Delaware communities, which currently reside in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Ontario, will be returning to their sacred homelands to portray the life of their ancestors and their economic relationship with the European settlers. Their camp will have ongoing open fire cooking, cordage making, bow shooting, flintknapping, arrow making, and hide tanning demonstrations throughout the weekend. Each day, representatives will offer a cultural stomp dance demonstration, in which visitor participation is encouraged. North American Dingos, also known as the Carolina dog, will be present and used to discuss Eastern Woodland hunting traditions and more.
Living historians portraying European merchants, performers, and craftspeople will offer demonstrations on wood working, hearth cooking, tailoring, wampum making, spinning wool, and more. This year’s marketplace will include displays of camp gear and furs, clothing, wooden bowls, children’s toys, and other items for sale. Musicians will regularly perform to crowds and, just like years past, children and adults alike will line up to enjoy a classic Dutch folktale via a raree show, an exhibition of pictures and objects viewed through a small hole in a box. Scheduled programming will include demonstrations on 17th century martial arts and cutlass fighting, a quack show, and a portrayal of Adriaen van der Donck, alongside an American Indian companion.
Members of the group Inalienable Rights, the Living History arm of The Slave Dwelling Project, will present the lives and histories of some of the colony’s first enslaved people. Presenters will offer African storytelling, artisan demonstrations, open fire cooking, and more as they convey the significant contributions that the enslaved brought to the early colony, amidst the brutal conditions and horrors they faced, daily.
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is highly encouraged and appreciated.
For more information and to register click below:
Photo credit: Katlynn Hanks
“New Netherland Marketplace: Living History Event” has been developed in partnership with Caesar’s Ford Theatre and Wild Hudson Valley.
This event is sponsored by Arts Mid-Hudson and is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and the New York State Legislature
Thank you to the Department of Environmental Conservation Region 3 Forest Rangers for guidance in our events’ fire-safety management.