For countless generations, the Lenape People relied on the Hudson River and its tributaries for their survival. Join us for this presentation by ethnoecologist Justin Wexler and learn about the day-to-day life of local Native Peoples five centuries ago. Justin Wexler of Wild Hudson Valley is an independent scholar who has studied Hudson Valley indigenous culture, languages, and history for over twenty years. He regularly works with members of their displaced federally-recognized communities, hosting tribe members on visits to their ancestral homeland and helping to connect the past with the present.
This presentation will be presented entirely online via a link sent after registration.
$8 General Access
$5 Discounted Access for HHS members, seniors, students, active military personnel and their families, and veterans
This program is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
For more information about Justin Wexler’s work, please visit Wild Hudson Valley.