Philip Dubois Bevier Family Papers (1685-1910)
Finding Aid Completed by Eric Roth, March 10, 1998
Revised January 2013, February 2025
Special thanks to Alexis Ruda and Phyllis Crawford for their assistance in processing the collection.
Inclusive Dates: 1685-1870
Volume: 2 cu. ft.
Collection ID: MSS.001
Language: English
Acquisition: The papers were donated to Historic Huguenot Street by Richard Bevier Borcherding in 1958-1960 and in 1965.
Access: Unrestricted. Requests for permission to publish materials from these records should be discussed with the Archivist/Librarian of HHS.
Preferred Citation: [Author/title/date of item], Philip DuBois Bevier Family Papers, Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz, NY.
Digital Access: Digitized in 2024, hosted online at New York Heritage (see links in Box/Folder listing below).
Biographical Note
Philip Dubois Bevier C-116, [1] Revolutionary War Captain and prominent Ulster County politician, was born on Dec. 28, 1751 to Louis Bevier and Esther Dubois of the Town of Rochester, NY.
In 1775 Philip Dubois Bevier signed the Articles of Association and joined the New York Continental Army. He was appointed First Lieutenant of the Tenth Company of the Third Regiment of the New York Forces in the Army of the United Colonies on June 26, 1775. He was also later appointed Captain of Company Four of the Fifth Battalion of the New York Forces in the Army of the United States. According to Katherine Bevier, Captain Bevier served under General Montgomery and General Schuyler, and fought battles in Quebec, White Plains, Chatterton Hill and Fort Montgomery, where Louis Dubois' Fifth Regiment was defeated by British General Henry Clinton in October 1777. Bevier supposedly received a favorable mention by General Schuyler in his report of the Canadian campaign. Philip Dubois Bevier resigned from military duty in 1781. [2]
In 1782, Captain Bevier married Ann DeWitt (1762-1834), with whom he had eight surviving children: Esther, Rachel, Elizabeth, Anna Maria, Henrietta Cornelia, Louis, Hylah, and Sarah. Ann DeWitt was born in Dutchess County; her grandfather, Tjerk DeWitt, had married Anne Pawling, a member of the wealthy Pawling family of Dutchess County. Ann’s father, Petrus, lived on an estate in Staatsburg inherited from his mother’s portion of the 1696 Pawling land grant. [3]
After the war Captain Bevier became actively involved in state and local politics, representing Ulster County in the New York State Assembly during the 16th, 19th and 21st sessions in 1792, 1796, and 1798, respectively. [4] He also held the positions of Assistant Justice (1794) and Judge (1795, 1799) for the Ulster County Court of Common Pleas. At Rochester Captain Bevier served as Town Clerk (1791-1793), Town Trustee (1788, 1791-1802), Town Justice (1791), Supervisor (1794-1800), Overseer of Highways (1788, 1791-1793) and School Commissioner (1797-1800). [5]
Throughout his life Captain Bevier amassed a great deal of property, both through the inheritance of his father’s and grandfather’s (Philip Dubois) estate, and through land bounty rights granted to him in 1790 for his service in the Revolutionary War. By the time of his death in 1802, he owned property in the counties of Ulster, Cayuga, and Montgomery, much of which he leased to other farmers and local businessmen. Captain Bevier’s will appointed Ann the sole manager of his estate. After his death, Ann raised and provided for their children, managed income from the rent and sale of properties that had been owned by her husband, entered into new land agreements, managed the family farm, and built a large house in the Town of Rochester, completed about 1805. [6] Ann died in 1834 at the age of 72.
Captain Bevier and Ann DeWitt Bevier’s daughters attended Sarah Pierce's Litchfield Female Academy in Connecticut, where they received instruction in mathematics, the sciences, moral philosophy, Latin, and Greek, as well as music, art and needlework. [7] Their only son, Louis Dubois Bevier, eventually became a doctor and served as School Inspector, School Commissioner, Town Clerk, Town Supervisor and Postmaster at the Town of Rochester, and on the Board of Directors of the Ulster County Bank in Kingston. [8]
Collection Description
The papers chiefly document three major subject areas: 1) the activities of Captain Bevier's and David Dubois' companies during their service at Fort Montgomery, Orange County, NY, from 1775-1780; 2) the business of managing the family properties in the town of Rochester, Ulster County, NY from 1685-1870; and 3) various efforts to compile the genealogies of the Bevier and DeWitt families. Other subjects briefly addressed in the records include nineteenth century religious and political interests of the Bevier family such as women's rights, Indian affairs and the Temperance movement.
Although the overall physical condition of the records is quite good, the Revolutionary War records are somewhat delicate, and some of the print faded. All records are still legible, however. Also, the pages of the genealogical notebook in Series 4 are very brittle, so it is therefore recommended that researchers consult the numerous published genealogies available on the Bevier and DeWitt families before handling this item.
The collection has been organized into four series:
Series 1: Revolutionary War Records (1775-1780)
Series 2: Estate and Legal Papers (1685-1870)
Series 3: Account Books, Personal Estate of Philip Dubois Bevier (1742-1867)
Series 4: Miscellaneous (1730-1910)
The major strength of the collection is the documentation of military activity at Fort Montgomery, New York, during the Revolutionary War. Of particular interest is the Orderly Book of David Bevier, which provides a rare glimpse into the daily routine at Fort Montgomery and Bemis Heights from August 1776 to October, 1777. The book functions as a daily journal containing "Morning Reports" (including lists of "Tories in confinement"), "Garrison Orders" given by Col. Cornelius Humphrey, and "General's Orders," given by Brigadier General James Clinton. These reports largely deal with issues involving the construction of defense preparations designed to enable the rebel army to "more effectually annoy the Enemies Shipping, should they attempt to come up the River." Other issues mentioned include the Court Martial of Sgt. Berry & Jonathan Alloby, and problems with the tendencies of soldiers to fire their weapons when not in engaged in combat.
"Notwithstanding it has repeatedly in Orders, that no gun or smallarms
should be discharged without orders within hearing of the garrison. Yet
there are some so lost to all sense of order and duty that Frequent
discharges of Musquetry are heard in the Woods near the garrison — if any
Soldier shall be guilty of Disobedience to the above order, they may
expect without exceptions of Persons to be tied up immediately & receive
Ten lashes on the naked back well laid without the Benefit of a Court Martial."
In addition to the orderly book, the financial accounts of Capt. Bevier's Company provide documentation of bounties paid to soldiers, lists of clothing and military supplies, and lists of expenses owed to, and by, the soldiers. Of particular note are the records from 1780, which contain records of furloughs, size rolls, deserters, pay rolls, weekly returns of equipment and ammunition, and accounts of "Camp Equipage" such as horsemens' tents and poles, covered kettles, wooden canteens, iron spoons, spades and shovels, etc.
Unfortunately however, a supposed list of trials and courts martial is missing. The papers also provide very thorough documentation of property transactions made by the Bevier family during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In general, most of the Estate Papers document transactions pertaining to the Bevier family property in the Town of Rochester as it was passed on to succeeding generations (See Series Descriptions for further detail). Records of note include:
The will of Tjerck DeWitt (1753, probated 1762), Ann DeWitt Bevier’s grandfather
Probate of Philip Dubois’ will (1764), Philip DuBois Bevier’s grandfather
Bill of sale for Ben, an enslaved man, to Philip DuBois Bevier (1785), and bill of sale for Gin, an enslaved girl, by John DeWitt to Ann Bevier (1790)
Other records of interest include several pamphlets concerning religious matters, women's rights, Indian affairs, leisure and the Temperance Movement, as well as a 1730 Dutch Bible that contains birth and death records (in Dutch) tracing the Bevier family from 1685-1834.
The major weakness of the collection is the lack of correspondence and other descriptive accounts of the lives of the Bevier family. One would expect much more correspondence due to Captain Bevier's political and social status. However, some correspondence among family members can be found both in the Hasbrouck-Bevier Family Papers at HHS and in the Levi Hasbrouck Family Papers now in the collection of Locust Grove Estate in Poughkeepsie, NY (see Related Collections below).
Related Collections
Hasbrouck-Bevier Family Papers (1709-1946) (MSS.442). This collection contains additional Revolutionary War records relating to Captain Bevier’s company. It also includes some family correspondence between Henrietta Cornelia Bevier and her mother, Ann DeWitt Bevier, her aunt, Hillitje DeWitt, and several of her sisters, as well as letters between Esther “Hetty” Bevier Hasbrouck and her husband Philip Hasbrouck.
Levi Hasbrouck Family Papers, Locust Grove Estate Archives, Poughkeepsie, NY ( Includes some correspondence between Hylah Bevier (who married Levi Hasbrouck and lived at Locust Lawn Estate in Gardiner, NY) and other Bevier family members, specifically letters dating from 1800-1857 written by Elizabeth Bevier, Hillitje DeWitt and other family members to Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck.
Louis Bevier Family Papers - Photocopies (1687-1921) (MSS.079)
Louis Bevier Family Papers: The Elizabeth Wright Collection (1721-1929) (MSS.197)
New Paltz Town Records (1677-1932) (MSS.033). Contains property maps surveyed by Louis Bevier B-30, as well as information pertaining to local offices at New Paltz held by various Bevier family members.
In addition, the Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Columbia University (Butler Library) in New York City maintains a collection of Bevier Family Papers ( Researchers interested in original source documents concerning Ulster County’s (as well as other counties’) participation in the Revolutionary War may want to contact the Special Collections Library at Cornell University, which maintains several collections of papers pertaining to the subject.
Series Descriptions
Series 1: Revolutionary War Records (1775-1780) 0.2 cubic feet
This series includes bound volumes and loose papers primarily documenting the financial transactions of Captain Bevier's and David Dubois' companies during their stations at Fort Montgomery , New York (1775-1780). Other items include an orderly book kept by Philip's brother, David Bevier C-114 (1776-1777), and one order given by Lieutenant Daniel Birdsall to pursue deserters (1778). The account books chiefly contain information on clothing expenses, soldiers' wages and bounties, furloughs granted, registers of trials, court martials, casualties, discharges, and accounts of arms, ammunition and other equipment used by the company. David Bevier's Orderly Book contains orders given by General Clinton and "Morning Reports" given by commanding officers. Four pages of additional Revolutionary War clothing and weapon lists from Fort Montgomery in 1777 can be found in the Philip DuBois Bevier Account Book (1783-1785) in Series 3: Account Books, Personal Estate of Philip Dubois Bevier (1742-1867).
Series 2: Estate and Legal Papers (1685-1870) 0.7 cubic feet
Records include deeds, wills, promissory notes, litigation papers, mortgages, leases, land grants, and survey maps pertaining to property in the towns of Rochester, Marbletown and New Paltz in Ulster County, as well as various towns in Montgomery and Cayuga counties. Documents span five generations of Philip Dubois Bevier's family, beginning with his great-grandfather Louis Dubois (ca. 1626-1706) and ending with his daughter Esther Bevier D-316 (1785-1871), wife of Philip Hasbrouck (1783-1841). Other records deal with transactions between Philip Dubois Bevier and Cornelius Hardenbergh (1772), Philip's brother David Bevier C-114 (1773, 1798), Jacob Hasbrouck (1783), John DeWitt (1792) and James Oliver and Abraham Vernooy (1800); and between Philip Hasbrouck and wife, Esther Bevier, and Jonathan and Frederick Westbrook (1828, 1830), Jacob Schoonmaker concerning the Guilford Dutch Reformed Church (1833), various members of the Deyo families at New Paltz, and others in Montgomery and Cayuga counties. All papers in this series are filed chronologically by year.
Series 3: Account Books, Personal Estate of Philip Dubois Bevier (1742-1867) 0.3 cubic feet
This series contains three account books belonging to, or dealing with, the estate and business of Philip Dubois Bevier's family. In addition to documenting the family’s business dealings, these books provide insight into the local economy and the roles that enslaved and Indigenous people played in it.
The first book originally belonged to Captain Bevier's father, Louis Bevier B-30 and contains records of transactions dating from 1742-1784, which deal with moneys paid and received for foodstuffs, hides, taxes and services such as splitting wood, surveying land and drawing up legal contracts. Some entries document interactions with Indigenous people, including payments of cider and rum, and payments for “plucking” flax (a harvesting method). A number of entries mention enslaved people, documenting medical treatment as well as payment to enslavers for the services of enslaved men, such as making fences and bringing wheat to the mill. Payments are mostly in the typical English currency of the time (Pound/Shilling/Pence), but some also include exchanges of pieces of eight. There is a name index to the entries.
The same book was later used as a cash book from 1825-1841, and contains a few miscellaneous entries in 1866 and 1867. The author of this section, probably Philip Hasbrouck, entered the transactions chronologically, and kept no index. Accounts include school bills, foodstuffs, clothing materials and services such as scoring timber, digging ditches and carding wool. Transactions are recorded in dollar amounts.
The second account book belonged to Philip Dubois Bevier and contains entries from 1783-1785. In this system, each month's transactions were recorded under the headings of "amount brought over," "amount brought up," and "amount brought down." At the bottom of each page is an entry for the total amount of money "brought down." Entries include sales of foodstuffs, liquor, textiles and other domestic goods such as tobacco and silverware and building supplies. In the rear of this account book are four pages of clothing and weapon lists from Fort Montgomery in 1777.
The third account book, “Ann Bevier’s (Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Philip Dubois Bevier, deceased) Account Book” (1802-1812), is in excellent condition and contains beautiful handwritten entries recording both debtors and creditors, as well as records of cash paid out. Most of the entries fall between 1802 and 1806. The book documents Ann’s management of her deceased husband’s estate and business, care of her children, and construction of a house in the Town of Rochester. Entries include transactions concerning livestock, foodstuffs, domestic goods, labor, building supplies, interest, and school tuition payments for her son Louis and for her daughters’ education at Sarah Pierce’s Litchfield Female Academy at South Farms, CT. Various entries in the book include references to both free and enslaved Black people.
Series 4: Miscellaneous (1730-1910) 0.8 cubic feet
Records include one letter to Ann Bevier from Blandina Bruyn (1820) concerning papers of Philip Dubois Bevier; one letter to Rev. Particular Synod of Albany titled “The Memorial of Ann Bevier and Rachel Westbrook, members of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Rochester” (1823) regarding controversy about their pastor, the Reverend James Murphy; receipts of Dr. Louis Bevier, Elizabeth Bevier and others (1845-1870); one Certificate of Life Membership to the American Bible Society of Esther Hasbrouck (1857), a genealogy notebook containing notes on the Bevier and DeWitt families, and several pamphlets concerning religious matters, women’s rights, Indian affairs, leisure and the Temperance Movement.
This series also includes a Dutch bible belonging to the Philip Dubois Bevier Family: "Biblia Dat Is De gantliche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de Canonijicke Boecken des Ouden en des Niewen Testaments." printed by Pieter en Jacob Keur (1730). The Bible contains family birth and death records (in Dutch) tracing the Bevier family from 1685-1834. It is stored separately with the HHS Bible Collection, and transcripts of the family records are available.
Box and Folder List
Box 001
Series 1: Revolutionary War Records (1775-1780)
001.001 (folder) Account book, Philip Dubois Bevier (1777-1778)
001.002 (folder) Accounts, Capt. Philip Dubois Bevier (1777-1778) – includes company roster
001.003 (folder) Account book, Capt. Philip Dubois Bevier (1780)
001.004 (folder) Account book and loose documents, Capt. David Dubois (1775-1776)
001.005 (folder) Account book, Philip Dubois Bevier (1779)
001.006 (folder) Order to pursue deserters, Lt. Daniel Birdsall (1778)
001.007 (folder) Orderly book, David Bevier (1776-1777)
(2 folders) Transcriptions
(2 folders) Photocopies
Box 002 (Oversize)
Series 2: Estate and Legal Papers (1685-1870)
002.001 (folder) Account records, Philip DuBois Bevier (includes bill of sale of Ben, an enslaved man, to Philip DuBois Bevier) (1776-1785)
002.002 (folder) Estate and legal papers (1792-1833 and undated)
002.003 (folder) Property survey and map – Esopus (1685)
002.004 (folder) Estate and legal papers (1744-1790)
002.005 (folder) Estate and legal papers (1686-1706)
002.006 (folder) Estate papers, Philip Dubois (1718-1735)
002.007 (folder) Estate papers, Philip Dubois (1742-1754)
002.008 (folder) Estate papers (1768-1786)
002.009 (folder) Estate and legal papers (1718, 1746, 1790-1824)
002.010 (folder) Estate and legal papers (ca. 1780, 1828-1856)
002.011 (folder) Deeds, Jacob Rutsen to Peter Elting – New Paltz (1755)
Series 4: Miscellaneous (1730-1910)
002.012 (folder) Certificate of Life Membership to the American Bible Society, Esther Hasbrouck (1857)
Box 003
Series 4: Miscellaneous (1730-1910)
003.001 (folder) Letter, Blandina Bruyn to Ann Bevier, Rochester (1820)
003.002 (folder) Letter to Rev. Particular Synod of Albany concerning “The Memorial of Ann Bevier and Rachel Westbrook, members of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Rochester,” regarding controversy about their pastor, the Reverend James Murphy.
003.003 (folder) Pamphlets (1818-1853, 1910)
Sermon delivered June 10, 1818 at the Ordination of Rev. Isaac N. Wynkoff to the Pastoral Charge of the Reformed Dutch Church at Catskill by John H. Carle, A.B.
Every Man: the Friend or the Enemy of Christ. The American Tract Society
The Belles-Lettres Repository, a Semi-Monthly Literary Gazette, and Magazine of Amusement. vol. 1, no. 1, A.T. Goodrich & Co., New York (May 1, 1819)
Proceedings of the Indian Board in the City of New York: with Colonel M’Kenneys Address. Vanderpool & Cole, New York (1829) - Philip Hasbrouck
Case, Walter. Newburgh Temperance Society, at its Annual Meeting. (April 1832)
Women’s Rights Tracts (1850-1853) - Elizabeth Beviere
Genealogy notes, Philip DuBois Bevier family (ca. 1850)
Pawling family reunion invitation (1910)
003.004 (folder) Receipts, Dr. Louis Bevier, Elizabeth Bevier & Misc. (1843-1870)
003.008 (item) Genealogy Notebook (1910 and undated)
Series 3: Account Books, Personal Estate of Philip Dubois Bevier (1742-1867)
003.005 (item) Account book, Louis Bevier, Philip Dubois Bevier, Philip Hasbrouck (1742-1836)
003.006 (item) Account book, Philip Dubois Bevier (1777-1785)
003.007 (item) Account book, Ann DeWitt Bevier (1802-1812)
[1] Identification numbers and personal data taken from The Bevier Family: The Descendants of Louis Bevier, Patentee of New Paltz , New York, comp. Kenneth Hasbrouck (The Huguenot Historical Society, 1970).
[2] Hasbrouck, The Bevier Family, 145.
[3] Natalie J. Serkowski DeStrange, “The Account Book of Ann Bevier: A Window into the Life of a Woman of the Early Republic,” The Hudson River Valley Review 40, no. 2 (2024), 71.
[4] Edgar A. Werner. Civil List and Constitutional History of the Colony and State of New York (Albany, 1889): 414-416. According to Katherine Bevier, Captain Bevier also served on the "Assembly" in 1777, but no further information supporting this claim is available.
[5] There seems to be a great deal of confusion concerning these dates. In her book The Bevier Family (1916), Katherine Bevier writes that Captain Bevier served as Town Clerk (1791-1793), Town Trustee (1794-1802), Supervisor (1801), School Commissioner and (1797-1800). Sylvester's History of Ulster County (1880), however, lists Captain Bevier as a Trustee from (1791-1802), Supervisor (1794-1800), and Town Clerk (1791-1793). An examination of the Town of Rochester Meeting Minutes (1703-1793) reveals not only that Philip Dubois Bevier indeed served as Town Clerk from 1791-1793, but also that he served as Town Justice in 1791, Overseer of Highways (1788, 1791-1793), and Trustee (1788, 1791-1793). Unfortunately, the election results from 1793 to 1802 are missing, disallowing the further confirmation or denial of Sylvester's and Bevier's claims for these years.
[6] Serkowski DeStrange, “The Account Book of Ann Bevier.” In this article Serkowski DeStrange analyzes Ann’s social and economic activities after the death of her husband through a detailed look at her account book.
[7] Sizer, Theodore and Nancy, et al. To Ornament their Minds: Sarah Pierce's Litchfield Academy 1792-1833 (The Litchfield Historical Society, 1993).
[8] Bevier, Katherine. The Bevier Family (Tobias A. Wright, 1916), 187.